Version: 1.01 (November 2004)
Engine: Battles in Normandy
Turns: 44
AI or PBEM: PBEM / Hotseat
The German plan involves a massive encirclement of the forces to the West of Kursk itself. To achieve this you have to attempt the capture of Kursk from both the North and the South within the time permitted. Additionally, you must ensure your losses are kept to a minimum.
The Russians must stand fast at all costs and bleed the German army white in the elaborate defensive system that has been built over the past three months. Stalin expects you to fight to the death, and will not tolerate failure ! When the Germans have been sufficiently weakened Stavka will authorise a general offensive with full use of the reserves that have been built up over the months spent waiting for the German assault
The scenario is playable as hotseat/PBEM.
Take note that there are 4 turns per day. You will find air support sorely lacking during hours of darkness and you will also find that tank replacements will appear at the end of each day as the mechanics work hard to fix those broken tracks.
Infantry replacements are generally lacking for both sides, so look after those men.
As the Germans you will also find movement severely hampered by the excessive minefields that have been laid and the natural terrain features such as the numerous foxholes, bunkers and trenches.
Good luck!
I would like to take the time to thank Rob for his excessive helpfulness in getting me started with the KP editor and his fantastic map - without which this scenario would never have seen the light of day. I would also like to thank Leo for his huge amounts of help early-on when I was in "divisional icon hell". I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to comment on this scenario as it all goes to making it better for everyone.
Design Manny
Map Robert Gjessing
Map editing Pete
Icons Manny, JSS, Pete, Leo
Testing Manny, Michael Kania, Alan Pritchard, Pterrok, Bertram
- Manuel Lourenco, 12 October 2004