Across The Dnepr
Released 22nd December 2003 (Discontinued)
Across the Dnepr is a new campaign scenario for the Korsun Pocket game. It recreates the events of July 1941, when Operation Barbarossa was in full swing and German armies were poised to enter the heartland of Russia. Army Group Center is aimed at the vital objective of Smolensk, located on the Dnepr river and defending the shortest route to Moscow. Although their frontier armies had been overwhelmed, the Red Army was far from finished. Remnant forces kept fighting and new formations arrived on the battlefield, ordered to make immediate, if somewhat suicidal, counterattacks. The result is a swirling melee as the two armies clash head on, and notions of flank security are abandoned in a desperate fight for survival. Each Russian casualty, whether man or machine, can ultimately be replaced from Russia’s vast reserve, reserves the Germans simply don’t have. Each day that the Germans are delayed at Smolensk is another day purchased for the defence of Moscow and the rest of Russia. Across the Dnepr has a map twice the size of the Korsun Pocket campaign, and recreates the German drive on Smolensk in July 1941. With 117 Soviet divisions attempting to hold back, or at least delay, 35 German divisions Across the Dnepr captures Russian Front warfare on a titanic scale.
- 24 day campaign length scenario
- Huge battlefield with superb map graphics
- Special rules for Soviet entrenchment
- Improved AI scripting
- 117 Soviet divisions confront 35 German divisions